Let’s Trapeze

Nude Trapeze Dress

So, I’ve had this adorable pleated trapeze dress for a while now. I’ve only ever worked up the courage to wear it twice. The first time I put it on, a comment was made that I looked fat. Fat. fat. FAT. If ever there was a most horrible word in the English language, I think fat would be it. The dress immediately came off. I think I ended up wearing skinny jeans out to my event that night. Super. Original.

Now, I don’t know a woman alive who doesn’t think there is something wrong with the way she looks. For me, I know I’m a little fleshier than I want to be. It does bother me, but then I have to remember that I’ve also given birth four times. (yes, 4! And yes, we DO know what causes that!) So some parts are bound to be juicier than they used to be. I’m also older, blah, blah, blah…

The point is that I know I’m not the only one who feels inferior, but when I look at other women, all I see is their beauty. So today, I’m cutting myself some slack. I put on that sweet dress and some killer platform heels, and I’m rocking’ it!

What are you afraid to wear? What’s stopping you from just going for it?

Trapeze Dress

Giraffe Heels

Giraffe Platform Heels


Dress (older): SimilarSimilar, Similar | brown jewel heels: Poetic Licence | fedora: Hobby Lobby | giraffe heels (older): Similar

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